Thursday, May 1, 2014

My New Craft Room

You have been patiently waiting updates on my craft room. I think I'm finally ready to share. There are still several things I want to do, but it's pretty close to what it will look like for a while. 

The first two pictures are what my craft room looked like for the first month or so that we lived here. The counter came in an inch short. Since I had to wait for a replacement it wasn't worth putting anything away just yet. Plus, I was busy putting things away in the rest of the house.

And below are the "done" pictures. I obviously still need things like curtains and some wall decor, but the most important things are there. My view is lovely and it will be even better when the porch is finished and the yard gets graded and put in. Please ignore the giant mud piles for now.

The pictures were taken as I moved from corner to corner counter-clockwise around the room. The first picture is from just inside the doorway. 
You have an eagle eye if you noticed the typewriter case below the window in the picture above. It was my grandma's. She had a stand for it, too, which I recently found. It needs some paint and TLC and then the typewriter will have a home. Hopefully I'll find some time soon for this project. 

This final view shows you my main work space. I rarely sit down when I'm working on a project, so the space under the counter was perfect for my 8.5" x 11" card stock storage.

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